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Project Management


“We are a very unusual company! We have worked all over the world. During the course of our careers, we have worked with major international organisations and microbusinesses and pretty well everything in between. We still do. We thrive on this diversity. So do our clients.”

David became a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing in 1992 and was the Director of a Programme at Cranfield School of Management.

For 20 years, he has managed and publicised complex and diverse, national and international projects associated with enterprise development for the Public Sector (the EC, UK Government and local agencies, such as, the GLA), the Private Sector (British and foreign companies: start-ups, SMEs and microbusinesses), the Associative Sector (trade associations) and the Third Sector (Leonard Cheshire Disability, Vital Regeneration).


Making it work online.

David McDermott

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